One of the greatest acts of expression is writing. As writing provokes speech and speech provokes action. My time at the Story 27 Writers Colony was nothing short of magical. I was able to hone in on my work and immerse myself in my love for writing and utilize this peaceful productive environment to complete almost 2 chapters in my first book “ The Domino Effect - My 11 Heavenly Habits for Healing “

The Domino Effect is about my journey from hurt to healing , blindness to seeing clearly, from living empty to spirit filled. It is a bold look at my life from the perspective of walking with God and the things I learned walking alone. It gives the reader a look at what habits I had to develop in order to guarantee my growth as well as the habits I had to let go of.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence , then is not an act , but a habit - Aristotle

I am so very thankful for my time at The Writers Colony, Mara and her team of like minded creatives made me feel so welcomed and at home. They encouraged and inspired me everyday I was there. The compound is a sanctuary for the spirit , a paradise for positive productivity. I was honored and privileged to be able to share in this space and even more to be able to share what this space brought out of me.

With Sincere Love,

Marvin Jones III

Follow Marvin on Instagram at @krondon