joan morgan

Dr. Joan Morgan is the Program Director of the Center for Black Visual Culture at New York University. She is an award-winning cultural critic, feminist author, Grammy nominated songwriter and a pioneering hip-hop journalist.  Morgan coined the term “hip-hop feminism” in 1999, when she published the groundbreaking book, When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost: A Hip-Hop Feminist Breaks it Down which is taught at universities globally. Regarded internationally as an expert on the topics of hip-hop, race and gender, Morgan has made numerous television, radio and film appearances —  among them HBOMax, Netflix, Lifetime, MTV, BET, VH-1, CNN, WBAI’s The Spin and MSNBC. She written for numerous publications including Vibe, Essence, Ms. And British Vogue and is the author of She Begat This: 20 Years of the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill.
Dr. Morgan has been a Visiting Scholar at The New School, Vanderbilt and Duke Universities and a Visiting Assistant Professor at the School of Cultural Analysis at NYU. She was a Visiting Lecturer at Stanford University’s Institute for the Diversity of the Arts where she was awarded the prestigious  Dr. St. Clair Drake Teaching Award. She is the first Visiting Scholar to ever receive it.
Dr. Morgan is a mentor for Unlock Her Potential and serves on the Board of Trustees for the National YoungArts Foundation. She is currently working on several screen projects, including a screen adaptation of her first book, When the Chickenheads Come Home to Roost.
 Jamaican born and South Bronx bred,  Dr. Morgan is a proud native New Yorker. 
During her time at the Writer's Colony,  she laid the foundational work for her latest screen project , "In The Cards" a limited series about secrets and sacrifices four generations of black women make for love as revealed through a magical deck of tarot cards.

Follow Joan on Instagram at @joanmorgan